Duration of the exhibition: 15, June - 1, July 2022
About exhibition:
I have a strong libido. Always craving the provocation of that fish in the aquarium. Sadomasochistic kisses with deep moral roots in modern society. Is freedom a legend passed down to us by our grandfathers, who inherited it from their grandfathers until womans came into the world? Among the sheep, I feel the greatest freedom; there, I am always the boss. I've always been rebellious. Looking left and right. Saying hello to everyone. Then I climb the highest tree and daydream about Germany. If only I were some ruler of the world!!! Then, dad comes to take me to pick out a Barbie. And I, being modest, always choose the most expensive one. What can I do, she's beautiful. Then, I gaze at that charming and charismatic Barbie for a long time. And I will cost a lot too. I've never shed more tears than when things didn't go my way. That's when I feel my soul deeply. I often dream of a mountain. Dad loves fulfilling my wishes more than anything in the world. I wanted to be a singer. To have everyone look at me. Cry day-players, They just sometimes call me a chick.